With years of experience in providing “Total Concrete Solutions” we have become one of the top player in the UAE. With the help of well thought-through strategies for projects, and in order to provide even more solutions for a future worth living for people, enterprises, cities and regions, CIC is now a complex of 3 concrete product manufacturers, namely Emirates Beton (EB), Hard Precast Buildings Systems (HBPS) and, Hard Block Factory (HBF) each of which is specialized in manufacturing a specific set of specialized concrete products. CIC is also a proud affiliate of ASGC Construction Group.
The concentration and coordination of these strengths, competences and know-how have one ultimate goal, which is to offer client benefit. It proves to be an integral part of our company’s philosophy and motivation. Projects in the UAE, in all their multifacetedness, always take center stage and CIC serves as an all-in-one solution for all concrete needs of the country.
As an award winning provider of ready mix concrete, we are renowned for our efficiency at providing ready mix
solutions coupled with our pioneering methods that undergo the most stringent material and process testing to
ensure full compliance with international and approved standards.
At EB, we offer customized solutions and utilize the latest technology in batching controls (through computerized
batching plants), systems monitoring, and product tracking, as well as an in-house testing lab to confirm consistent
quality control and frequent production testing.